Derby 3D
Tags: applications, english, jAVA

How to create a txt file with java mobile

Panji | Sabtu, 9 februari 2013

After about 1 year ago when I was still using java phone as a tool for surfing the Internet and update everything on my previous web now I delete it, I'll share the file java (java application) to create a simple txt file like notepad.

in fact, the java application is an application which can be categorized file_manager file explorer for your java mobile phone. using features of the text editor, you can create a txt file or edit an existing txt file.

The application name is Moby explorer, the application can be downloaded at the link below.

once downloaded, simply install on your mobile phone. continue to run, immediately you will see a notification permissions to read your phone memory. yes.

after that click on your phone memory (root / card). click the folder you want to create (edit) txt file. then press menu - text editor - simple (sorry a little bit forgotten, hehehe).

after editing, you'll know what you should do.

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