Tags: application, jAVA, mobile, software

Free download java OperaMini 7.1 original zip

Free download OperaMini 7.1 original zip

some time ago, operamini has been updated to version 7.1 for java.

there are some additional features that are inserted on the latest operamini for java this. favorite example link, homepage, instant sharing, multi-tab, and many interesting features.

Now I'll share it in a jar file and zip archive for you.

To download it directly, you can click the link below. (For zip, need to be extracted first)

For jar site : http://glosarium.yn.lt/files/operamini-7-1-original.jar

For Zip file : http://glosarium.yn.lt/files/operamini-7-1-original.zip

For download form homepage, visit http://m.opera.com

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